GLAAD awards 2014

globalvoicesThe GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honor media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and the issues that affect their lives.

On the 12th of April the 25th annual GLAAD award show were held in Los Angeles, and we are very happy to congratulate Manny de Guerre who is the organizer of  the Russian lgbt filmfestival “Side by Side” reicived the inaugural International Advocate for Change Award.  The festival offers a safe space where straigth and lgbt Russians can come together in dialogue. The main theme of the festival is “different love, equal rights”.  It’s difficult to comprehend how important it is to have a lgbt filmfestival in Russia, and the award is very deserved!

A tie for best documentary
Skråblikk also wants to congratulate “Bridegroom” and “Call Me Kutchu” with their Outstanding Documentary awards. Both movies are really ground breaking, and if you have not seen them yet, you really ought to. Watch Lupita Nyongo presenting the award, and Shane receiving it.  TapTapTap! ❤

A queer look at the Oscars

Another Oscar show is over. Ellen De Generes did a great job as host for this years Oscars, let’s hope she’ll be back next year! In the middle of the show she served pizza, she dressed as a princesse and took selfies…well you should have been there! A somewhat gay moment during the show was when Pink sang “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”.

jaredle32141-_spLet’s cut to the core; what about Dallas Buyers Club; the only movie with a queer theme nominated for this years Oscars? Skråblikk is very happy that Matthew McConaughey won the price for actor in a leading role in the movie.

To top it; Jared Leto won actor in a supporting role for his role as transsexual Rayon living with aids in the same movie. In his acceptance speech Leto dedicated the award to people who have died of aids, and to closed his speech by saying: ” To those of you out there who has ever felt injusticed for who you are or who you love. Tonight I stand here in front of the world with you and for you!”

The film also won the award for best makeup and hairstyling.

If you haven’t seen the movie yet, I urge you to do so! 

Norgespremiere på “Kill Your Darlings” med Daniel Radcliffe

Skråblikk er veldig stolte over å være de første i Norge som viser Kill Your Darlings, som er den mye omtalte filmen med selveste Daniel Radcliffe i hovedrollen som den homofile poeten Allen Ginsberg. Vi viser filmen den 8. juni kl 18.00 på Kvarteret.

– Jeg synes ikke det er noen forskjell på hvordan man forelsker seg. Folk uttrykker sin kjærlighet forskjellig, og det skjer uavhengig av legning og seksualitet, svarte Radcliffe på spørsmål fra Pink News. Radcliffe sier videre i intervjuet at det handler om å finne sin stemme og forstå hvem du er.  Det handler om hjertesorg og om å mislykkes med planene dine. Slike erfaringer er viktige, og de gjorde at jeg ville spille denne rollen. Det aller vanskeligste var likevel sexscenen, og han innrømmer at når det kom til å spille inn scenen der Ginsberg mister jomfrudommen, måtte den han ha litt hjelp.

Filmen handler altså om poeten Ginsberg og hans møte med Lucien Carr som han også blir kjæreste med, samt Ginsbergs møte med de som senere skulle starte det som ble kjent som beat-generasjonen. Beat-generasjonen på femti-og sekstitallet var en viktig fortropp til hippiene og ungdomsopprøret som skulle komme senere. De var diktere, intellektuelle og kunstnere, så på seg selv som bohemer og førte gjerne en livsstil på siden av de svært komforme normene tiden krevde.

Filmen handler imidlertid ikke så mye om dette, men om kjærlighet, et drap og en rettsak. Dette er en film som passer for alle, enten du er ung eller litt mindre ung, Harry Potter-fan, fan av Allen Ginsberg, opptatt av kjærlighet eller drap, skeiv eller streit; vi ønsker alle velkomne til avslutningsvisningen søndag den 8. juni kl 18.00!PS! Det vil også bli servert vafler til filmen!

In the aftermath of #Sochi2014, Skråblikk proudly presents a World Premiere of a Russian production

The Olympic Games in Sochi are over and now more than ever it is important to keep our focus on Russia and their constant dismissal of human rights. In the Independent today Ruth Hunt, the Acting Chief Executive of Stonewall wrote, «As the Olympic flame is extinguished in Sochi, homophobia is still burning bright», and many people are worried that the world will forget this. That we will remember the medals, the moving moments, the many athletes falling over the finish line and photo finishes deciding if their toe (or arm) was first or last over it, but that we will forget what these Olympic Games were built on. The people of Russia are not free to say what they want, be who they want and love who they want, and they are definitely not free to talk about it to the next generation. We will do our part to remind our followers of this.

Skråblikk LGBT Film Festival are therefore very excited and proud to announce that the World Premiere of Russian produced “Moonlight People” will take place at our festival in June and the creators of the film will be there for a Q&A after the screening!

“Moonlight People” tells two parallel stories about a boy and a girl. They live in different parts of the vast country, in small provincial towns. They are of different ages, social status, and their families have different incomes. Despite all their differences, there is one thing that unites them; their sexual orientation. Coming out as gay or lesbian in Russia is not easy, and this spoils their relationships with parents, friends and acquaintances. However, the most important common ground of both characters is their ability to love. Sincerely and desperately. No matter what. Sometimes this love could cost them their lives and lives of the people who would love them in return.

“Moonlight People” will be screened for the very first time at Skråblikk, Sunday 1st June, 2014, 20:00 at Tivoli, Det Akademiske Kvarter.

Read more about the production “Moonlight people”.

Hollywood-stjerne kommer ut av skapet – Jeg er lei av å gjemme meg!

Ellen Page som kanskje er best kjent for sine roller i Juno og Inception holdt i går en tale på en lhbt-konferanse Human Rights Campaign Foundation holdt i går på Valentinsdagen.

Alle kan gjøre så mye sammen enn noen av oss kan gjøre alene“, sa Page i talen sin. Hun snakket om skjønnhetstyraniet og det presset som er på alle, ikke bare unge. Om å kle seg maskulint eller feminint og ikke skille seg ut. Et stykke ut i talen sa hun, til stor applaus fra salen “Og jeg er her fordi jeg er homofil og fordi jeg kanskje kan gjøre en forskjell. Jeg føler et personlig og sosialt ansvar. Jeg gjør det også av egoistiske grunner fordi jeg er lei av å lyve og gjemme meg.”

Skråblikk applauderer Ellen Page for å ha kommet ut av skapet! For noen kan det at en Hollywood-stjerne kommer ut av skapet som homofil være veldig viktig. Vi trenger alle rollemodeller, personer som kan snakke offentlig om at det er helt greit å være homofil, du er like mye verdt!

Se hele talen her:

Så gøy kan man ha med buksene på

Vi er veldig glade for å kunne fortelle at vi under årets festival skal vise filmen The Most Fun I’ve Ever Had With My Pants On. Dette blir Norgespremieren på filmen som er Drew Dennys første spillefilm. Filmen omhandler Andy og Liv som gjenforenes for å spre Andys fars aske på en  roadtrip fra LA til Austin, der Liv skal prøvespille for en rolle i en noir film. Dette er en utypisk amerikansk roadtrip-movie, som er morsom, litt trist og noen ganger litt melankolsk.

Filmen vises på Tivoli på Kvarteret den 2. juni kl 16.30, noter det i kalenderen din med engang! Les mer om filmen på websiden.

Queer nominees for the Oscars

ellen-oscarFor some of us the Oscars is an important event. This year it is hosted by Ellen DeGeneres, and that’s a good reason for staying up late. Unfortunately only one queer movie is nominated this year, but it’s nominated for several awards.

Dallas Buyers Club is nominated for Oscars in the category best picture. Matthew McConaughey for best lead actor, Jared Leto for supporting actor in the same movie. It’s also nominated for best film editing, make-up/hairstyling and original screenplay.

About the movie:
When Ron Woodroof learns he is HIV-positive, the homophobic Texan finds himself sharing an unexpected bond with gay men also battling the illness. Quickly realizing that their only chance of survival lies in making an end run around government regulations and powerful pharmaceutical companies, Ron organizes an illicit trade in a drug cocktail that shows signs of slowing the virus’s progress.

Happy new year!

Skraablikk-LOGO-sort-og-rosa12014 has arrived, and we’re looking forward to this years festival which will be more diverse than last year.

We are in the process of finding films for this year’s festival, and in adition to regular screenings, we will also be involved in both seminars and lectures. The first screening is on Sunday June 1th.

Are you excited? We are!